Check server headers and verify HTTP status codes. There are seven HTTP status codes that we are primarily interested in from an indexing and search engine marketing perspective. It is recommended that you verify your URIs are returning the proper Status-Code in the Server Header.
200 OK The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request.
301 Moved Permanently The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs.
302 Found The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests.
304 Not Modified If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD respond with this status code. The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
307 Temporary Redirect The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.
404 Not Found The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
410 Gone The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent.

The Alexa Traffic History Graph allows you to create a traffic history graph for any site. Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users.
What is Traffic Rank?
The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users. It is a combined measure of page views and users (reach). The three-month change is determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three months ago.
What is Reach?
Reach measures the number of users. Reach is typically expressed as the percentage of all Internet users who visit a given site. Alexa expresses reach as the number of users per million. The three-month changes are determined by comparing a site's current reach with its values from three month ago.

The AdSense Calculator helps Google AdSense affiliates understand what affects their earnings by letting them experiment with values. It also allows Google AdSense users to take their current statistics and calculate how much they can expect to earn daily, monthly and yearly. Site owners who are considering implementing AdSense on their site(s) can also use this tool to estimate what results they are likely to see.
Daily Page Impressions Daily page impressions indicate how many times ads are shown per page. You can use your average, anticipated, or current daily page impressions for this.
Click Through Rate (CTR) This figure represents how many visitors actually click your advertisements. You can find this easily on your Google AdSense stats page labeled "CTR." The average rate is estimated to be about 1.5%.
Cost Per Click (CPC) Your CPC is the average of how much you get paid for someone clicking one of your advertisements. To find your average CPC take you’re the amount of money you have earned from AdSense (daily, monthly, or all time) and divide it by your total clicks (daily, monthly, or all time).

One of the three major pillars of Search Engine Optimization is a website’s content, and onsite content optimization. All of the major search engine ranking algorithms have components that relate to the content that is contained on the website. Typically these components relate to Keyword Densities, number of words, content location, and sometimes age of content. In regards to the code that the content is contained in that falls under the topic of structure and not content, and will not be discussed in this article.
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is an advanced web development method which can be used to create more responsive and interactive dynamic websites. AJAX accomplishes this by making object request calls back to the web server without having to refresh your browser, these object calls are then processed and are typically used to update the content of the page on your website that is currently being viewed. For the sake of this Article I’m going to ignore the XML component of AJAX as the search engines never view any of the XML data. Websites that use Javascript to manipulate content without using AJAX will also suffer from the issues described.
When a search engine sends out a robot / spider to visit your website with the goal of indexing your content it is only looking at what is being presented in the Markup Language. Generally a search engine does not behave like a user when indexing your website, it doesn’t click buttons or links it simply makes note of URLs associated with each page then individually then visits these pages to index them. This largely goes against the goal of AJAX which is to have as few pages as possible by interacting with the web server in a smarter method as the users interact with the website.
To put the last paragraph simply any content that is changed via AJAX or Javascript on a webpage that is not hardcoded in a page won’t be cached by the search engines. This essentially means that if you have great content that the search engines may love but you’re using AJAX you may be missing out on traffic. There are two approaches to rectifying these which may even give you an advantage over sites that don’t utilize Javascript / AJAX.
The first approach is to make sure that your website degrades to normal flat markup language for non javascript capable browsers and search engines. Essentially every time you would have used an AJAX call make sure you have a page with the same content. Unfortunately for a lot of people this could mean a lot of work, for those individual using a database with PHP or ASP it is not too hard to build a site that builds itself with some effective web programming.
The second approach is to use AJAX in a more minimalist fashion. The goal here is to present the search engines with your optimized content while making sure that any AJAX calls a user would do has no bearing on what you want the search engines to see. In fact this can be used to remove content from your website which may negatively affect your rankings such as testimonials. I’ve seen very few testimonials that actually do good things for a sites keyword density, I’ve even been known to optimize testimonials on client’s websites. With Javascript / AJAX you could insert a random testimonial into a page and therefore not affecting that pages keyword density. The only downside to this approach is that some offsite keyword density tools actually use Web Browser rendering engines so they may get false results as it takes the Javascript into account.
Now you may think that I’m anti AJAX from everything that I’ve said, but there are times and places for AJAX, provided it doesn’t affect how the search engines see your beautiful relevant content your trying to rank. AJAX is great to use for Member sections of your website, interactive forms, slideshows, and a lot more it just needs to be leveraged correctly to avoid missing out on search engine visitors. The final thing to keep in mind is that most search engines like to see more than a single page website which many AJAX website appear to be, always strive for at least 5 or more index able pages as internal links and anchor text can have a lot of value.

Black Hat
These Tactics Are Considered Black-Hat For A Reason.This Page Is To Note The Tactics That You Will Hear About From Other SEO's.
a)These Are Not Legitimate Tactics And While Some May Work In The Short Term.They WILL Get Your Website Penalized And/Or Banned Eventually. b)Constantly webmasters attempt to "trick" the search engines into ranking sites and pages based on illegitimate means. Whether this is through the use of doorway pages, hidden text, interlinking, keyword spamming or other means they are meant to only trick a search engine into placing a website high in the rankings. Because of this, sites using black-hat SEO tactics tend to drop from these positions as fast as they climb (if they do climb at all). c)The following tactics are not listed to help you "trick" the search engines but rather to warn you against these tactics should you hear they are used by other SEO's (this is not to say that all other search engine optimization experts use these tactics, just that some do and you should be warned against them).
Due to the sheer number of tricks and scripts used against search engines they could not possibly all be listed here. Below you will find only some of the most common black-hat tactics. Many SEO's and webmasters have simply modified the below tactics in hopes that the new technique will work. Truthfully they may, but not forever and probably not for long.
Black-Hat SEO Tactics:
Keyword StuffingThis is probably one of the most commonly abused forms of search engine spam. Essentially this is when a webmaster or SEO places a large number of instances of the targeted keyword phrase in hopes that the search engine will read this as relevant. In order to offset the fact that this text generally reads horribly it will often be placed at the bottom of a page and in a very small font size. An additional tactic that is often associated with this practice is hidden text which is commented on below.
Hidden Text
Hidden text is text that is set at the same color as the background or very close to it. While the major search engines can easily detect text set to the same color as a background some webmasters will try to get around it by creating an image file the same color as the text and setting the image file as the background. While undetectable at this time to the search engines this is blatant spam and websites using this tactic are usually quickly reported by competitors and the site blacklisted.
In short, cloaking is a method of presenting different information to the search engines than a human visitor would see. There are too many methods of cloaking to possibly list here and some of them are still undetectable by the search engines. That said, which methods still work and how long they will is rarely set-in-stone and like hidden text, when one of your competitors figures out what is being done (and don't think they aren't watching you if you're holding one of the top search engine positions) they can and will report your site and it will get banned.
Doorway Pages
Doorway pages are pages added to a website solely to target a specific keyword phrase or phrases and provide little in the way of value to a visitor. Generally the content on these pages provide no information and the page is only there to promote a phrase in hopes that once a visitor lands there, that they will go to the homepage and continue on from there. Often to save time these pages are generated by software and added to a site automatically. This is a very dangerous practice. Not only are many of the methods of injecting doorway pages banned by the search engines but a quick report to the search engine of this practice and your website will simply disappear along with all the legitimate ranks you have attained with your genuine content pages.
Redirecting, when used as a black-hat tactic, is most commonly brought in as a compliment to doorway pages. Because doorway pages generally have little or no substantial content, redirects are sometime applied to automatically move a visitor to a page with actual content such as the homepage of the site. As quickly as the search engines find ways of detecting such redirects, the spammers are uncovering ways around detection. That said, the search engines figure them out eventually and your site will be penalized. That or you'll be reported by a competitor or a disgruntled searcher.
Duplicate Sites
A throwback tactic that rarely works these days. When affiliate programs became popular many webmasters would simply create a copy of the site they were promoting, tweak it a bit, and put it online in hopes that it would outrank the site it was promoting and capture their sales. As the search engines would ideally like to see unique content across all of their results this tactic was quickly banned and the search engines have methods for detecting and removing duplicate sites from their index. If the site is changed just enough to avoid automatic detection with hidden text or the such, you can once again be reported to the search engines and be banned that way.
As incoming links became more important for search engine positioning the practice of building multiple websites and linking them together to build the overall link popularity of them all became a common practice. This tactic is more difficult to detect than others when done "correctly" (we cannot give the method for "correct" interlinking here as it's still undetectable at the time of this writing and we don't want to provide a means to spam engines). This tactic is difficult to detect from a user standpoint unless you end up with multiple sites in the top positions on the search engines in which case it is likely that you will be reported.
Reporting Your Competitors
While this may seem a bit off, the practice of reporting competitors that you find using the tactics noted above or other search engine spam tactics is entirely legitimate and shouldn't be considered at all unethical. When we take on search engine positioning clients this is always incorporated into our practices when applicable (which happily is not that often).
When a competitor uses unfair tactics to beat you it is entirely fair to report them. If you have competitors that you feel are using illegitimate tactics to beat you on the search engines feel free to visit our "Report Spam" page for links to where to go on the major search engines to report spam results and sites to them. Just make sure you're own site is clean when you do.

SERP-White Hat

The following tactics fall in the grey area between legitimate tactics and search engine spam. They include tactics such as cloaking, paid links, duplicate content and a number of others.

Unless you are on the correct side of this equation these tactics are not recommended. Remember: even if the search engines cannot detect these tactics when they are used as spam, your competitors will undoubtedly be on the lookout and report your site to the engines in order to eliminate you from the competition.

It is definitely worth noting that, while it may be tempting to enlist grey-hat and black-hat SEO tactics in order to rank well, doing so stands a very good chance of getting your website penalized. There are legitimate methods for ranking a website well on the search engines. It is highly recommended that webmasters and SEO's put in the extra time and effort to properly rank a website well, insuring that the site will not be penalized down the road or even banned from the search engines entirely.

Grey-Hat SEO Tactics:


There are times when cloaking is considered a legitimate tactic by users and search engines alike. Basically, if there is a logical reason why you should be allowed to present different information to the search engines than the visitor (if you have content behind a "members only" area for example) you are relatively safe. Even so, this tactic is very risky and it is recommended that you contact each search engine, present your reasoning, and allow them the opportunity to approve it's use. Arguably, another example of a site legitimately using cloaking, is when the site is mainly image-based such as an art site. In this event, provided that the text used to represent the page accurately defines the page and image(s) on it, this could be considered a legitimate use of cloaking. As cloaking has often been abused, if other methods such as adding visible text to the page is possible it is recommended. If there are no other alternatives it is recommended that you contact the search engine prior to adding this tactic and explain your argument. There is more information on cloaking on our black-hat SEO tactics page.

Paid Links

The practice of purchasing link on websites solely for the increase in link-popularity that it can mean has grown steadily over the last year-or-so with link auction sites such as LinkAdage making this practice easier. (You can read more about LinkAdage on our SEO resources page. When links are purchased as pure advertising the practice is considered legitimate, while the practice of purchasing links only for the increase in link-popularity is considered an abuse and efforts will be made to either discount the links or penalize the site (usually the sellers though not always). As a general rule, if you are purchasing links you should do so for the traffic that they will yield and consider any increase in link-popularity to be an "added bonus". You can read more about purchasing links and where to do so on our SEO resources page.

Duplicate Content:

Due primarily to the increase in popularity of affiliate programs, duplicate content on the web has become an increasingly significant problem for both search engines and search engine users alike with the same or similar sites dominating the top positions in the search engine results pages. To address this problem many search engines have added filters that seek out pages with the same or very similar content and eliminate the duplicate. Even at times when the duplicate content is not detected by the search engines it is often reported by competitors and the site's rankings penalized. There are times when duplicate content is considered legitimate by both search engines and visitors and that is on resource sites. A site that consists primarily as an index of articles on a specific subject-matter will not be penalized by posting articles that occur elsewhere on the net, though the weight it may be given as additional content will likely not be as high as a page of unique content. If you find competitors using these tactics it is not unethical to report them to the search engines. You are helping yourself, the search engines, and the visitors by insuring that only legitimate companies, providing real information and content, appear at the top of the search engines.

SERP-White Hat
Internal Linking
By far one of the easiest ways to stop your website from ranking well on the search engines is to make it difficult for search engines to find their way through it. Many sites use some form of script to enable fancy drop-down navigation, etc. Many of these scripts cannot be crawled by the search engines resulting in un indexed pages.
While many of these effects add visual appeal to a website, if you are using scripts or some other form of navigation that will hinder the spidering of your website it is important to add text links to the bottom of at least your homepage linking to all you main internal pages including a sitemap to your internal pages.
Reciprocal Linking
Exchanging links with other webmasters is a good way (not the best, but good) of attaining additional incoming links to your site. While the value of reciprocal links has declined a bit over the past year they certainly still do have their place.
A VERY important note is that if you do plan on building reciprocal links it is important to make sure that you do so intelligently. Random reciprocal link building in which you exchange links with any and virtually all sites that you can will not help you over the long run. Link only to sites that are related to yours and who's content your visitors will be interested in and preferably which contain the keywords that you want to target. Building relevancy through association is never a bad thing unless you're linking to bad neighborhoods (penalized industries and/or websites).
If you are planning or currently do undertake reciprocal link building you know how time consuming this process can be. An useful tool that can speed up the process is PRProwler. Essentially this tool allows you to find related sites with high Pagerank, weeding out many of the sites that would simply be a waste of time to even visit. You can read more about PRProwler on our search engine positioning tools page.
Content Creation
Don't confuse "content creation" with doorway pages and the such. When we recommend content creation we are discussing creating quality, unique content that will be of interest to your visitors and which will add value to your site.
The more content-rich your site is the more valuable it will appear to the search engines, your human visitors, and to other webmasters who will be far more likely to link to your website if they find you to be a solid resource on their subject. Creating good content can be very time-consuming, however it will be well worth the effort in the long run. As an additional bonus, these new pages can be used to target additional keywords related to the topic of the page.
Writing For Others:
You know more about your business that those around you so why not let everyone know? Whether it be in the form of articles, forum posts, or a spotlight piece on someone else's website, creating content that other people will want to read and post on their sites is one of the best ways to build links to your website that don't require a reciprocal link back.
Site Optimization
The manipulation of your content, wording, and site structure for the purpose of attaining high search engine positioning is the backbone of SEO and the search engine positioning industry. Everything from creating solid title and meta tags to tweaking the content to maximize it's search engine effectiveness is key to any successful optimization effort.
That said, it is of primary importance that the optimization of a website not detract from the message and quality of content contained within the site. There's no point in driving traffic to a site that is so poorly worded that it cannot possibly convey the desired message and which thus, cannot sell. Site optimization must always take into account the maintenance of the salability and solid message of the site while maximizing it's exposure on the search engines.

Copywriting is ONE significant factor when you want to achieve excellent search engine ranking. Yet, a lot of times website owners think that all that they have to do is to incorporate keywords in page tags and include some keyword mentions in their articles.

While SEO copywriting not exceedingly hard, writing for search engines is more complex than that. "Search engine optimization copywriting" or SEO, is a method of writing viewable or easily scanned text on your web page which is very acceptable and readable for the internet user as well as targets certain or exact search terms, having the purpose of ranking high in search engines. "SEO Copywriting".

GENERALLY optimizes and enhances other on-page components for search terms being targeted, namely the title, the description and likewise keywords tags, alt text and headings. Search engines require and look for authentic content pages, rather than additional pages which are designed solely for attaining high rankings; this then, is the concept of "SEO copywriting". And for this reason, search engines may not likely consider SEO pages with undesirable copywriting content. Simply put, YOUR site's content must follow good marketing standards, having great interaction with your visitors because excellent "SEO copywriting" acknowledges the fact that humans make the purchasing decisions and not "spiders". It is recommended that your content comprises of about 250 words that are viewable per page, having a maximum of two targeted keywords or search terms located strategically inside the text as well as in other on-page components.

A good QUALITY and informative copywriting content indeed is the very foundation for a website to be successful. A good content and excellent website setup will direct your visitors to what exactly they desire while collecting or inquiring for information in your website. A well developed and constructed content page really is important for powerful website content and can take a huge bound in your keyword ranking approach.

Always remember that internet surfers do not "read" all the time your content, but rather, their tendency is just to scan through the page, searching for prominent and attractive sentences and words. Meaning that for you to magnetize your visitors, you need to write not only convincing and captivating content, but also scan able.

When a PROSPECT visits your site searching for a service or product, it can be due to fact that they find your information educational and helpful; thus it actually depends on the quality of your content and what type of information that you supply your visitors that determines whether they stay or leave your website. A content rich in keywords will leave an enduring impression for your SEO campaign.

Here are a few guidelines on writing good quality SEO content:

1. Understand and determine your "key phrases" before you begin writing. Returning and then editing an already existing copy so to reach higher keyword concentration can be a difficult task which often results in fragmented sentences, complicated statements and a copy that is stiff sounding. If you already know the "key phrases", then you are able to construct a complete and flowing stream of ideas.

2. Know who your target audiences are. You need to determine your target clients before writing your content, so that you can address them properly. You can not write a good quality, informative and persuading content without knowing your visitors requirements, problems and needs. Your content SHOULD offer a solution to their problems and you need to first identify that problem before you can determine a solution.

3. Incorporate your "key phrases" in the headlines. Almost all search engines believe that a headline is a significant part of your copy which means that the text that comprises the headlines bears additional effect. When you MAKE headlines, be certain to construct them so that they also carry the keyword that you have used in your content. Also take note of the "HTML encryption for your title. When you make bold headlines and incorporating them in or" tags, they will catch the search engine's attention.

4. Scatter or distribute properly your "key phrases" all throughout the body of your article. To do this effectively, focus on just a maximum of three primary keywords and let them naturally flow in your article. There is WHAT is called a "3 percent guideline" which states that 3 percent of the words in your article must be "keywords". You should take note however, that this is only a guideline; do not ruin a good article just so to achieve the three percent guideline by insisting on the keywords in sentences where it does not fit just so to achieve the "3 percent guideline.” Just remember that a literature form of writing is not what is required in SEO copywriting; it just makes a poor web content.

SEO copywriting demands that you specifically need to write for the internet, something that is very much different from a literature or storybook style of writing. There is MORE to web copywriting than merely writing well. Keep this in mind: Effective web copywriting and keywords "search engine optimization" mean the same thing.

SEO, or "Search engine optimization" is a method used by experts to improve a website's search engine ranking, with the objective of having it in the search results' "top 10" or at the very least, having it in the first three pages of "search results".
Off-page SEO PERTAINS to all the influencing factors that determine your website traffic levels and ranking which are not inside the website; they are principally links that comes in your website from other websites referred to as "link popularity".
Link popularity is a key factor utilized by the famous search engines in ranking websites. In order for SEO, to be useful, it NEEDS to provide valuable, authentic and educational website content as well as information at the same time maximizing "Off-Page" factors in securing good ranking in search engine positions.
Almost all search engines put a great deal of significance in a website's "link popularity". They utilize the amount of incoming and outgoing links to websites to establish the relevance of a website for specific keywords or key phrases. Take note that incoming links prove to be more significant compared to outgoing links.
Google, one of the top search engines, makes USE of its "Pager Rank" or "PR" as their means in measuring the "link popularly" of a certain website. When you installed the "Google toolbar", you easily can view a web's PR.
A PR of a website is read from 0 to ten, ten being the highest. When you see a grey "PR" bar, it signifies that, that particular website have either not yet been indexed or was dropped or have been banned.Acquiring quality links coming from good or reputable websites can be a difficult task.
A reputable website only will agree to link to your website when you can offer them certain benefits.Reciprocal Linking and how to go about it:Reciprocal linking in simple TERMS means exchanging links so to enhance link popularity. This often entails sending e-mail letters to certain webmasters of your choice that you find has complementary and relevant content. Write a polite, personalized and good e-mail letter to the "webmaster" that you want to "exchange links" with.Here are some guidelines:
1. Download THE Alexa (http://www.alexa.comand/) and Google tool bars. Google "tool bar" will permit you to view the "PR" of other websites, so that you are aware which sites have great traffic and link with them. The Alexa "tool bar" supplies you with estimates of the website's traffic as well as the sites that are being linked to it.
2. Visit particular websites that you want to "exchange links" with in order that you will know what that particular website is all about.
3. Send EMAIL letters to websites which you want to be linked with. In your letter, mention important things regarding your website and explain the benefits of having a "link exchange" for both your sites as well as both your visitors. Place a "link" to the website and inform the webmaster as to where he can find the link. Likewise, furnish the key phrase or keywords that you need to be "linked".
4. Broadcast YOUR willingness to "exchange links" in your website. You may use a "reciprocal linking" link or "link to us" as well as a "web-form" for possible "link partners" to enter their details.Incoming "one way linking" and how to go about it:Incoming "one way links" are considered by webmasters TO be the best kind of links that one can for one's website, but also one that is hard to acquire. They can increase link popularity and website PR. They point out to all "search engines" that your website is an expert on key phases or keyword employed to "link" to you.Here are some guidelines:
1. Construct an informative, good quality and educational website or unique, educational and authentic web page content. Great content is what webmaster look for so to refer you to their visitors by way of links going to your website.
2. Offer free tools AND helpful service in your website.
3. Give something away for free at your website, such as quality e-books, downloadable trial software, gift or a useful program in exchange for "links".
4. Arrange an award FOR winners to link to your website before they can claim their prizes. Make certain that your policy is clear to everyone.
5. Allot a budget so you can pay for niche directory listing. Present excellent and relevant articles with links directing to your web home page and give your consent to webmasters to display your articles in their sites. Link popularity WILL not grow overnightAllocate a time each week just for working on building links, so that it becomes a regular habit. Select one day each week as well as schedule the time. You need to oblige yourself on a regular basis and make your priority, or else you cannot accomplish it.
Note that "LINK building" is gradual and accumulating process. Over time all the links will start to add up until such time that there will be hundreds and even thousands linking to you.

Keyword selection is one OF the primary procedures to have a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy implemented. It is extremely important that the right keywords are selected by businesses for their advertisements in order to maximize an online advertising service and gain profits.
An advertising campaign can be deemed worthless is the wrong keywords are selected to represent it. In a nutshell, SEO are methods that aim to improve the position or rank of a web site in listings produced by search engines.
The benefits of getting a higher placement in the listings increases the chances that online visitors will view their pages and avail of the services offered by advertisers. It also gives visitors a feeling of security, because to them, a well-positioned ad equals high credibility. Sites have different goals WHEN it comes to optimization. Some sites employ broad search optimization strategy, they are in search for all traffic that comes along the way. It can be useful for sites that are generates broad interest, such as a directory or a periodical.
Other sites go for utilizing keywords that are highly specific, and radiate the probability of a sale. In most cases, going for specific and carefully chosen traffic can prove advantageous, because it gives sales leads with more quality.
The process of choosing the appropriate keywords for a particular advertiser is not a simple task. An advertiser has to accomplish several things to pull it off successfully. First, the advertiser has to be well acquainted with the machinations of its target market. A thorough research into the keywords used by the competitor should be carried out, and whatever result that it will produce should be analyzed in detail. Keyword selection tools will assist advertisers in determining the keywords that is most suitable for their businesses. Keywords selection can have MANY varieties, largely depending on the kind of web site that a client needs. These are the major types, static sites and dynamic states, where the former is more limited in terms of keyword numbers compared to the latter. If an advertiser is creating a brand new site, it is recommended to choose the initial number of keywords that will be needed, and afterwards, the architecture of the site can be prepared using the keyword selection criteria as a basis.
After coming up with the keyword list, the terms should be trimmed down up to the specific and necessary ones. In narrowing down the list, keep these factors in mind: Majority of the search engines do not bother doing word stemming, and that most visitors type keywords in lower case, and it is less difficult to gain a good rank for keyword phrases that are longer. Here are some of THE popular keyword selection tools available for advertisers:
1. Google AdWords Keyword Selection Tool Google is the most successful search engine in the world, and it takes in more searches in the web than its competitors. This tool usually comes with the awards program of Google, and it shows the keywords that are actually utilized by users. Google AdWords provide users with the most sought-after queries, vast matches, and other keywords that the user may consider for usage.
2. Wordtracker. It is a database that people utilize as QUERIES for searching terms. Aside from giving information on how often a term is utilized for web search, it will also inform users the number of competing sites that utilize the same term. The tool aids in finding combinations of keywords that is in any way related to the content of a web site.
3. Overture Search Term suggestion tool: A keyword selection tool that provides THE number of searches in a month that proliferated within the Overture network. It provides the variations and phrase stems when a certain keyword is used. It also provides pay-per-click bids and a ROI Time CPM Calculator.
4. Keyword destiny and Prominence Analysis: A keyword analysis tool WHICH analyzes the words utilized on a web page by applying default settings or custom report options. It also reports on the number of times the word was used, and an analysis of a competitive URL. Other information provided includes word count, prominence values, the location of the significant keywords in the elements of the page, and density percentages. Advertisers should choose the best tool that works for them. With various options available, it will not be too difficult to do so. Picking the right tool can make wonders for their business ventures.

Every day, hundreds and millions of Internet users access THE network in search of something they need or want. In the earlier days, users had a much easier time locating just exactly what they sought because very few online entities were in existence, and they offered very little services. Thus, it was easy to determine which sites actually contained what they needed.
Fast forward to the current period, and instead you find hundreds and millions of content varying in degree almost to the same extent as to the number of average users of the Internet per day. Businesses, institutions, and even individual users generate their own websites and content by using simple means, and as such, a searcher may end up having to choose from hundreds of choices in pursuit of materials related to what they are searching for.
Search engines play a huge role in making THE current scenario work. Major search engine service providers, like Google, create user interfaces that allow for their users to enter words, or keywords, relating to what they are searching for. Various methods are then employed in order to search for the content links.
Either they employ purely organic searches, which lists matches to the keywords regardless of whether they are paid or not, or they utilize crawler search engines. Crawler search engines simulate the crawling movement when they travel through the codes of each website and deciphering relationships between links and pages.
To maximize the potential of search engines in providing businesses their much-needed online traffic (and hopefully translate traffic into sales), SEO or Search Engine Optimization method was created.
SEO is centered in trying to provide a business with quality content and websites in order for it to help rise in the rankings in the query listings. Central to SEO is a customer-oriented approach, and is achieved mainly by providing well-written information in the website, as well as making sure that the content found in their websites are relevant to what the users are looking for.
However, for SEO to work, there must be A clear and tangible relation between keywords and relevant content. After all, if the search engine finds great difficulty in tracing matches back to keywords provided by the users, chances are, the website will not be found by the target market.SEO works with keywords at the very onset of the business. The business picks a variety of keywords to which their website will be related to in search engines. If the user enters in the search engine a keyword that matches the keywords related to the business's website, a high-ranking match is displayed among the listings.
Keyword selection and the effort that goes with it is only justified; after all, the nature of the keywords a business selects can make or break its campaign.In order to effectively match a business's keywords to those that will be entered by the users, selecting keywords must take into consideration the variety of keywords under the same topic that could be utilized when searching for it.
For starters, making a list of around 50 keywords and selecting those that make greatest impact will help narrow down the keywords that should be bid for by the company when trying to get a spot in the listings.In selecting keywords, it must also be taken INTO consideration the sort of response generated by certain keywords, alongside the people who would respond greatly to those words.
By selecting keywords with the expressed intent of targeting a particular consumer base, the business creates a greater probability of visitors to the website being actual interested buyers instead of web window shoppers. Moreover, selecting keywords that are closest in relevance to the content of the website better streamlines traffic into that which yields profits.Popular keywords are those that users often enter INTO search engines and look for.
These popular keywords (and the subsequent websites) usually are recipients to huge amounts of traffic, and as such, are subject to higher rankings in listings.While popularity, relevance, and targeting are important, it must be balanced with the competitive demand for a particular keyword. Obviously, more businesses vying for the same word would create difficulties in acquiring that keyword for a business's use. Before selecting keywords, it is imperative that checks may be made in order to make sure that while the keywords are popular, relevant, and targeted, they are also not within the too competitive bracket, which will make it extremely difficult to acquire and rank.Keyword selection is important in every SEO campaign. ONLY in pre-meditating keywords and studying market behavior in relation to these keywords can the benefits of this productive relationship be clearly seen.

Basics of SEO

Nowadays, even the smallest company uses the Internet as a main tool in building a customer base, keeping in contact with their clients and this is also their most basic means of advertising.
Designing a company web site is CHEAP and effective, not to mention essential because the world wide web is the only medium that offers instantaneous information access to millions of users around the globe.
Any web developer worth his salt should know about search engine optimization or SEO.This is the key towards building AN effective web site that would get a lot of hits and visitors. A web site that nobody visits is useless so the challenge lies in leading Internet users to visit your web site.Thus, your web site need to be "found" when users type in keywords in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, AOL and others.
Once a keyword relating to the PRODUCTS or services that you offer is keyed into a search engine, a direct link to your web site should emerge on top of the list.You should employ search engine optimization techniques to lead traffic your way, and get more hits that would later on lead to more profit for your company, which is your goal in the first place.
Here are some tips on how YOU can make it to the top of the list of search engines, and use your SEO techniques to benefit your web site and your company:
1. If you have an existing web site and domain, just optimize the one that you currently have instead of purchasing a new domain.It will take some time before YOUR web site will show up in a particular search engine, like Google, so it better to use the one that you currently have instead of switching to a new one.
2. Know who your target audience is and aim for them.If you are in the manufacturing INDUSTRY and a user types in your product in a search engine, then you would immediately have your target right in front of you.As soon as the user hits the Enter button or clicks on 'Search', then the person will be lead to your web site.Make sure that your target market WILL get 'hooked' on your web site. Once the search engines show the link to your web site, their job is done.What you should do next is to make sure that your visitor will not leave your web site without them trying out your products or services, or at least leaving some pertinent information so that you can contact them in the future for marketing and advertising purposes.When hitting a particular target market, LEARN about their interests, location and age to have an idea of what you can offer them in return.Also, you can somehow link their interests to your products and services.
3. Search for the right keyword.You should BE creative, persistent and flexible when looking for the keyword or keyword phrases to use in optimizing your web site.Google and Yahoo offer some tools and tips on how you can come up with keywords that will yield results.Do not SETTLE for just one keyword. You can also vary the words and phrases that you use for each page on your web site so that you can have more hits.
4. Consider your target market when designing your web site.The design ITSELF would include the general theme of the web site. You should also pay attention to smaller details such as color and font style and size.Make sure that the web site is user-friendly and do not forget to insert helpful articles, tips, hints and related links that can be shared to other users.It is A good thing to have an option to send a link or an article to a friend, which will add more users and increase your client base.There should also be various ways to browse through your web site, to fit each user.A person MIGHT find it to difficult use the scroll down option so you should also provide hyperlinks which are accessible to them.
5. Concentrate on the web site content.Regularly update THE content of your web site so that old and new users can find something new when browsing through your site.Make the content brief and precise. writing a content which has more than 600 words will make the users lose interest, since most of them do not actually read but just skim through the text.Strive to BE the best and most comprehensive web site and you will make your mark when it comes to information about the products and services that you offer.
It helps a lot to pay attention to detail, too.Finally, keeping YOUR web site's content updated is a must.Spread the word about your web site and use the basic search engine optimization techniques and you will surely gain positive results once users visit your web site.

For a commercial webpage to prosper in a search engine string search and come out on top, the page has to essentially be "prepared" to be detected and well-received by the search engine algorithm.
Because of THE high amount of browsers visiting search engines such as Google and Yahoo, a new form of process was developed to make full use of the pros and avoid the cons of the algorithms used by the search engine companies. This process of preparation is called Search engine optimization (SEO).
As the amount of information grows exponentially, search engines will play a more vital role in keeping order in the World Wide Web. This has encouraged increasing numbers of people with something to look for to rely on search engines more. It simply is now a fact that you can find information faster if you use a search engine.Because of THIS companies looking to attract more traffic to their sites would pay for valuable ad space within search results sent by the search engines to browsers. Because browsers are more often than not set on getting information about something, placing an ad that totally dovetails with what they're looking for makes it easy for the advertiser to make a sale.
What search engine optimizers do then, is to make every effort to make the site considered highly relevant and show up in the top ten listing of their respective search strings. The usual method of SEO is to improve content, and dynamically expand the site with even more relevant data.Unfortunately, unscrupulous SEO'S have also devised ways to cheat the algorithms of search engine to keep themselves on top with low quality or even misleading content. Google, Yahoo and other search engines have fought back by using even more complex algorithms to filter the junk and garbage out of their engines.
To properly optimize a web page, please follow the following steps: 1. Optimization SHOULD be part of the design. To properly optimize a web page, it should be considered as part of the design process. It should not be treated as an afterthought after the fact. This will lead to shoddy workmanship and create unnecessary strain in the browser looking for relevant data. 2. Each web page must be optimized. That is to say, each web page must be unique, with their own content, titles and tags. 3. It's NOT just the search engines. Don’t create a site specifically for search engines alone. Most people who start out this way create a site that is unwieldy and has bad grammar. Most browsers pass over unprofessional sites with poor copy. 4. Keywords. Make sure you have a list of terms you want placed in the page. Also consider that the keywords relevant to page 1 stays in page 1 while page 2 keywords stay in page 2. This is to make sure each page is unique in its offering, avoiding redundancy.
In terms to competitiveness, a linking campaign will probably create more traffic and better results than concentrating on keywords. Place your KEYWORDS strategically in the following areas: Page title, Meta tags, Body, Headings, Images, Bullets, Links. High quality website typically rank well in the search engines partly because more and more people recommend it to others via word of mouth, email, instant messenger, or even better, take the link and place it in their own website link sections.Google considers pages with inbound links as a VOTE to the quality and relevance of that site, increasing its rank in the search engine hierarchy.
In addition to inbound links, search engines also send out spiders to assess the site for relevance against an algorithm. The spider basically goes to the site and analyzes all the text in the page, including markup items, the meta tags and the title.Spiders can read the following items on a WEB page, thus making the item highly relevant to search engines: text, page titles, meta tags, meta descriptions, code, tables.
Depending on further technological considerations, search engines may consider other languages like JavaScript and such. Currently, the spiders will just consider them clutter.Web page optimization values content more than graphical artistic impact. One must keep in mind when the end result needed is to increase presence in the advertiser's chosen search engine string.


First off, its quite natural to have a slow down in traffic.
We bloggers watch the traffic like hawks I know, but isn’t it very unrealistic to have your traffic always go uphill ? The real growth is always reflected by a wave in your traffic graph. And waves always have ups and downs, which is why they are called a wave in the first place.So, apart from panicking, what are the other things that you can do to overcome the slowdown ?
1. Re-Work on the titles of your previous posts, that fail to get traffic
Sometimes, even if you write great articles, the use if incorrect titles will hinder the post from getting popular on the search engines for the keywords they are supposed to rank for. Check for such posts and rework on their titles, making them SEO friendly ones. Believe me they work.
2. Use the social media to get some immediate attention to one/couple of your popular posts.
The social media is a great tool to give you not only traffic, but motivation during a slow down. Get an active social media user friend of yours (or yourself) to tweet/share a few stories from your blog that are popular. There’s nothing wrong in trying to get some extra traffic to your archives using the social media. Make sure your friend don’t spam but do it wisely.
3. Write a couple of articles for the week ahead that are social media friendly
Clearly, you need a traffic booster at this point of time and what’s better than the social media ? Study the popular articles by other blogs from your niche and try to do something as close to as what they’re doing, if you fail to get original ideas. Social Media friendly content is sure shot success and it can definitely give you some attention if not huge.
4. Increase your posting frequency with more quality articles over the weekend
Finally, do a study on your posting frequency, see if there were fluctuations recently. Mostly, traffic slowdown can be attributed to lack of new content. So plan ahead to increase your posting frequency, and get ready with some new posts in your drafts. If you have been writing lengthy articles, try writing shorter articles but more in number.Publish them over the weekend.
5. Find out the posts that have “dead traffic” and re-work on the content
There would be a lot of posts in your archives that you thought were super hits but aren’t. Dig them up, find what’s wrong and try to calibrate them online with the SEO tools you have. They may have gone down in the SERPs because of newer competition. Find it out and re-work on the content to beat your competition. These posts should get some “movement” after the edits. Something is better than nothing !
So there you go. Five super simple alternative strategies to create that buzz and get going during a traffic slowdown. Hope it helped.

Blogging software is really a simple Content Management System (CMS) that easily adds new pages and integrates them into your site's navigational structure and linkage.
Blogs and blog posts are naturally search engine friendly because they are text-rich, link-rich, frequently-updated webpages that use stylesheets or CSS, and have very little extraneous HTML.
Optimizing a blog is very similar to optimizing a website, and optimizing a blog post similar to optimizing a web page.But depending on the Blogging service or software you use, the results may look somewhat different.
If you follow some simple rules for search engine optimization, your blog can rank much higher than static website pages in the search engine results pages.
Here are the most important rules to follow to get your posts listed for keywords of your choice. 1. Use your primary keyword in your blog domain Whether you purchase a separate domain (recommended) for your blog, or host it on a Blogging service or a subdomain of your own site, try to ensure that your URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimize for. For example, if you want your blog to get found for the keyword "rss" get a domain with the keyword "rss", or use the keyword in a subdomain as in Getting a domain name with your own name might make for good branding, especially if yours is a personal blog. But if you're doing it for business and want the targeted traffic to flow your way, keywords in the domain or subdomain are a move in the right direction.
2. Use your primary key phrase in your blog header tags and the title of your posts If your primary key phrase is "business blogging" make sure that the word business, or blogging, or both, appear in your blog headers (the H1 or H2 tags) as well as the title of each of your posts. Most blogging software will take the keywords in your post title and put them into the file name of the permalink posts it creates. For example, if you have a blog on Blogger and title your post "Search Engine Optimization For Blogs", Blogger will automatically create a page with your post and name the file "search-engine-optimization-for-blogs.html" or something similar. With other server-side software like Wordpress and Movable Type, you may require the mod_rewrite command to save the title of your entries as a permalink.
3. Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post If you want to get listed for secondary keywords use them infrequently in the body of your post and pepper your blog titles or links with them appropriately. Don't overdo this or your posts will end up sounding unnatural and spammy to readers.
4. Use your keywords in the anchor text of links Keyword in links have more importance than simple text. Use your primary and secondary keywords in the anchor text of links when linking to other blog posts or to other pages on your main site.Link keywords where they naturally appear in the body text, but again, don't overdo it, or you'll end up with spammy looking pages.
5. Make sure search engines can spider your blog easily Set up your blog so that the side navigation bar is present on all pages. Make sure your archives and previous posts are accessible from all pages of your blog so they get spidered easily.
6. Get backlinks from other blogs or websites Links pointing to your blog or posts are essential to build pagerank and make your blog rank higher in the search engine listings. I've seen many people recommend Blogrolling as one method of building links to your blog. Blogrolling is a one-stop linklist manager for your blog or journal. But all this service actually does is give you a bit of javascript code that "calls" the links.As far as search engine rankings go, this method of linking is of little use, because spiders can't read external javascript code.
Instead I recommend that you focus your linking efforts on the methods here.
Submitting to Blog Search Engines and Directories: Submitting your blog and RSS feed to blog search engines and directories is essential for getting high-quality links back to your blog.
Link Exchanges: Many similarly-themed blogs are often willing to exchange links with other blogs and form richly interlinked networks or communities. Link exchanges with other blogs are easy to implement with most blogging software.
Trackbacks: You can also get links back to your blog using trackbacks. One of the disadvantages of using Blogger is that it does not automatically create trackback urls that others can use to link back to your posts. Haloscan is a free service that will automatically add comments and trackbacks to your Blogger blog. But if trackbacks are an important component of your linking strategy, I would advise using another software or system that adds this feature automatically.
You can also get back links to your blog by posting legitimate comments in response to posts on other blogs.
7. Update frequently There's no better food for search engine spiders than fresh content. Post and update your blog frequently using all the rules outlined above and there's no reason why your blog will not get you top rankings in a short period of time.
8. Stay put Once you create your blog, try to stick to the same domain and blog host or system for as long as you continue to publish.You could end up losing a lot of your traffic, your readers and all your search engine listings if you decide to move.

Lance is one of those courses which had been making a buzz since it was released. It is one of the highly recommended internet marketing guides for both beginners and expert alike. The topics contained in the course are affiliate marketing, SEO, keywords, Google AdSense, Google AdWords and many more. You can do your own investigation to check whether this site is legit or not.
Link building is a way of moving up the search engine results provided that it is properly done. Proper link building will increase the traffic to your site. If you are a beginner you might find it confusing at first and if you do it the wrong way, it can affect the rank of your site. This is why having a guide is vital.
Common mistakes when you are doing link building:
•Avoid excessive directory submissions because it does not anymore have the effect that it had previously. Choose the directories which are very relevant to your website and make sure that it is reviewed by humans. Submitting your site to a few directories that are highly relevant and have high qualities is better than submitting to a thousand directories that are not in any way related.
•Avoid the use of automated article submission software. There is a penalty for excessive duplicate copies of your article. Rather, submit your articles to sites that do not produce so many copies of your article. An example of which is EzineArticles.
• Anchor text spamming must not be done. Although anchor texts play an important role in SEO, using the same anchor text on all the backlinks that you make will be considered as spam. Change the words to make it sound similar.
• Do not buy links. This is prohibited by search engines. If ever you are going to buy links, make sure that there are no online tracks and be discreet in your transactions.
• Joining forums and adding your site to your signature has insignificant effects to your website.
• Do not dwell so much on page rank. The important thing is the quality and the relevance of your website in relation to its content.
• Link farms are discouraged. Link farms are group of websites that link to every other website in the group.
Mastering SEO will entail a lot of effort on your part. In the beginning, you will have many things to learn. But once you get the hang of it, everything else will be easy.

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of getting your website to the top of the search engines by improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.
This has proven to be one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing available. This is a hyper-competitive endeavor that requires intense focus and a thorough, up-to-date understanding of how the search engine algorithms and robots operate.
This is a science that taps into these algorithms and a human visitor at the same time. Search Engine friendly web design, rich unique on-page and off-page content and an optimum link building profile are what you need for optimization. These methods deliver to your company measurable, quantifiable results that increase website traffic and grow online revenues.
There are many firms out there of varying degrees of talent, ethics, and commitment to service and results but some of them are really SEO Gurus that offer a variety of services to meet the needs of small and large businesses. Deciding to hire a good firm is an important decision that can potentially improve your site and save time. The Search engine optimization services encompass best keyword research and specific content plan for optimization, Meta tags, content creation and/or recommendations for existing or proposed content.
Submission / Resubmission / Listing to major search engines, keep track of search engine ranking Services, status of various keywords used, reporting ranking on a monthly or weekly basis.
In India there are many companies which offer the best Search engine optimization services and give value for money. They offer a wide range of services, all customizable to fit you and your company's goals. Organic or Natural Search Engines Strategies is the core and aim of most Indian companies. A great time to hire a company is when you're considering a site redesign, or planning to launch a new site to ensure that your site is designed to be search engine-friendly from the bottom up. However, this can also help improve an existing site. SEO India experts do specialized SEO on the following factors that influence top ranking:
1. Researching your keywords 2. Implementing search engine friendly design 3. Proper Optimization of Title and Header Tag 4. Easy Navigation 5. Utilize the Alt tag, Anchor Text and Inbound links properly 6. Unique and Quality Content 7. HTML Validation / Error free code 8. Link Structure / Site Map
Organic search results are those that are displayed naturally (pull up in the main body of the search results page) unlike paid advertising. Organic optimization is the use of search engine to draw traffic by means of complex methods and techniques. The technique or optimizing is the process of attaining higher rankings and directories via changes to a site to make it more search engine friendly as well as off page factors that influence ranking such as quality and relevance of incoming links.
Studies have shown that these organic search listings are clicked on more often than the sponsored search listings; which is why it is so crucial that companies optimize their websites for the best possible placement. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities.
If you're thinking about hiring an SEO company India, the earlier the better to maximize your return on investment by getting your site into the top 10 with mytopSEO

SEO is the technique through which you can gain more clicks and visitors directly from search engines. SEO marketing is the latest website marketing technique which is more popular than any other internet marketing techniques. SEO marketing can help you generate almost 75% of traffic alone from Google and rest 25% from Yahoo, AOL and other search engines.
SEO Promotion is one of the most efficient and affordable ways to generate quality traffic on your website. A website which is optimized for search engines will always rank higher as compared to other websites.
Following are some of the basic tips which can help you gain higher SEO rankings on Google, Yahoo and several other search engines:-
Step1: Select right set of keywords which are perfectly aligned with your business objectives. If you are selling product to Indian customers then you should select those keywords which are searched by Indian customers and not UK customers.
Step 2: Go to Google Keyword Tool and do a little research on various keywords pertaining to your business. Visit: to select your keywords.
Step 3: Your TITLE should reflect the most important business service/product offered by your website.
Step 4: Add proper meta tags such as "description" and "keywords" tag.
Step 5: You can use heading tags such as H1 and H2 to emphasize important keywords/key phrases within your webpage. You can also use bold and italic fonts to highlight important sections of your content.
Step 6: Promote your link on various websites such as article websites, web directories, social bookmarking websites etc.
All these activities will help your website to gain higher SEO rankings on Google, Yahoo and various other search engines.

A lot of webmasters would just shrug and shy away from writing lot of articles and posting them to a website or article directories. The effort does need a lot of skill and understanding, however, who said success does not involve hard work? The process of writing and submitting SEO articles is indispensable in today's online market place and is crucial to your SEO efforts since they are the only way to build good and permanent back-links in addition to long lasting goodwill for continuation of business.
SEO articles are those articles that are written with SEO in mind. They are written with your keywords in the right density and makes sure that they are placed strategically. Thus, SEO articles are a highly sought after tool in the arsenal of a SEO specialist. These SEO articles when well written and filled with relevant and proper information can set you apart from the crowd and help you achieve what you competition may not be able to - record relevant traffic.
But, if you still think you need reasons to write or buy articles from a freelance copywriter, it is time you read through...
1. SEO articles make you unique and set you apart. Let us suppose you sell lingerie online, if you assess your niche, you will find that there are hundreds of thousands of online lingerie shops. The fact is that if you are not Wal-Mart, there is very little chance that someone would come to your online store to buy lingerie...! By the way, the point here is that if Wal-Mart sells online, one does not need to SEO their site. They will get customers anyway, you won't..!
What you need here is something to pull your customers... if it is the lingerie niche, you will need to come up with some real romanticism to pull in the traffic...erotica may work..
See, you are already thinking about SEO articles or may be SEO web content.
2. SEO articles can also act as marketing tools to sell you to your customers. If you visit a old and hardened hardware store to buy some drill bits, there is every chance that the store owner would give you some very good advice on which bit to use for punching a hole in what.. isn't it? Interesting, SEO articles do the same. Would you visit the same hardware store for future needs? Yes, of course... there is no doubting that!
3. You can use your freelance copywriter or if you are writing yourself to take some time out to write an e-book for you. Give it away for free and you will see that you are getting famous by the day. Also, called viral marketing, this kind of an effort can rake in unprecedented traffic from across the globe... that too .. relevant!
4. SEO articles give something to the directories you submit them to. They give them informative repository and when you can have links in the article to your website, it is only natural that the search engines index your website well and proper. These links will stay rather like a rock and will go on giving you good rankings. Depending on your niche, it is entirely up to you,, how many articles you need to come up to the first page of any search engine...!
5. If your articles can offer great content, it is only a matter of time before you become the "GURU" in you niche. This does carry great goodwill and will contribute substantially to your business!
Don't forget the bio part when you do the submissions, it is the key to enlightenment. Be it SEO articles, SEO web content, or SEO copywriting, do it well and reap the rewards.
Convinced? Are you looking for a SEO Expert

There are many "SEO Gurus" that will tell you commenting on blogs can boost your page ranking a lot. Your link to your site inside blog comments does not matter much to Google! It matters more to some search engines, but definitely not Google. It does not matter if the blog is DoFollow or NoFollow because Google is not looking into it seriously. I posted so many great comments in DoFollow blogs, and they did nothing to boost my page ranking. Trust me, I looked up DoFollow blog lists on Google, and commented on hundreds of blogs. If blog commenting mattered a lot to Google page ranking, wouldn't a lot of people have high page ranks by now since there are quite a few of blogs that are DoFollow with 5+ page ranking.
You might be asking this question to yourself, "Why should I even bother with commenting then?" Because you want to get noticed! Posting comments like "nice post!" will not get you noticed. You want to add value into the discussion, and that will get the author of the blog to notice you. Ask good questions or let the author know about something that was missing in the post. Those two are just basic ideas.
What happens when you get noticed? The author might write a post base on your comment. The author might write a review post about your site. The author might write at the end of his post, "Check out this website (link), you can learn a lot from this guy about making money online". The possibilities are endless. Basically, when someone writes about you or your website, they would generally add a backlink to your site inside the post. If the person did not add a backlink to your site, you can ask nicely to include one. You have a much better chance of getting noticed when your site has a similar niche as the author.
Although Google does not care much about links inside comments, Google cares about links INSIDE the posts. Get people to notice you, and they will eventually write about you and your site. Links inside posts are the best quality backlinks you can get. To sum it all up, always write great comments if you are going to write them, and you will be rewarded sooner or later


As many of you know, Search Engines are the most substantial source of traffic for almost any blog on the web. The blogs without any traffic from Google will never have the chance to be shared with the world.

In order to increase your traffic, you must optimize your blog so that Search Engines are attracted to it. Which is also known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). So here is a list of useful SEO sites :

Daily Blog Tips:

Improve your blog with Daily Blog Tips. A fast paced blog featuring articles on blog design, SEO, promotion, menotization and more.

Search Engine Land

Search Engine Land is a hub for news and information about search engine marketing, optimization and how search engines work for searchers.

Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO talk about Google, SEO, and Gadgets. But mostly Google. SEOmoz Search Engine Marketing News & Tips Search Engine Journal

Pronet Advertising

Pronet Advertising is a weblog about Neil Patel's personal experiences in online marketing. Search Engine Guide The small business guide to search engine marketing. Articles from the top names in the industry cover topics including SEO, PPC, SEM, blogging, social media, adsense, adwords, Google, Yahoo, MSN and Internet marketing. Online Marketing Blog All about the intersection of search engine & social media marketing

Marketing Pilgrim

Andy Beal discusses news from the search engine industry, blogging, rss and other internet marketing.

Search Engine Watch

Search Engine Watch provides news and tips about search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), and searching the Web. We offer daily news & analysis of the search industry, including the latest on Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and Ask.

Get Elastic Ecommerce articles on internet retail, online marketing, social media, SEO, and killer ecommerce tips from Elastic Path Software; Featuring the Get Elastic ecommerce podcast - conversations with ecommerce industry insiders.

Web Analytics World Manoj Jasra's insight on Web Analytics and the Search Marketing Industry. Also including Interviews, Technology Reviews and Podcasts BlogStorm Search engine optimization & internet marketing blog Small Business SEM Small Business SEM by Matt McGee SEO and Marketing Discussion for Small Businesses SEO Scoop SEO Scoop is a popular search engine optimization blog that focuses on SEO tips, theories and news. Search Engine Roundtable Search engine optimization news and resources

Some useful questions to ask an SEO include:
Can you show me examples of your previous work and share some success stories?
Do you follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines?
Do you offer any online marketing services or advice to complement your organic search business?
What kind of results do you expect to see, and in what timeframe?
How do you measure your success?
What's your experience in my industry?
What's your experience in my country/city?
What's your experience developing international sites?
What are your most important SEO techniques?
How long have you been in business?
How can I expect to communicate with you?
Will you share with me all the changes you make to my site, and provide detailed information about your recommendations and the reasoning behind them?
While SEOs can provide clients with valuable services, some unethical SEOs have given the industry a black eye through their overly aggressive marketing efforts and their attempts to manipulate search engine results in unfair ways. Practices that violate our guidelines may result in a negative adjustment of your site's presence in Google, or even the removal of your site from our index.
Here are some things to consider: Be wary of SEO firms and web consultants or agencies that send you email out of the blue. Amazingly, we get these spam emails too: "Dear,I visited your website and noticed that you are not listed in most of the major search engines and directories..." Reserve the same skepticism for unsolicited email about search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators. No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or advertise a "priority submit" to Google. There is no priority submit for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Add ur lpage or by submitting a Sitemap and you can do this yourself at no cost whatsoever. Be careful if a company is secretive or won't clearly explain what they intend to do. Ask for explanations if something is unclear. If an SEO creates deceptive or misleading content on your behalf, such as doorway pages or "throwaway" domains, your site could be removed entirely from Google's index. Ultimately, you are responsible for the actions of any companies you hire, so it's best to be sure you know exactly how they intend to "help" you. You should never have to link to an form
Avoid SEOs that talk about the power of "free-for-all" links, link popularity schemes, or submitting your site to thousands of search engines.These are typically useless exercises that don't affect your ranking in the results of the major search engines -- at least, not in a way you would likely consider to be positive. Choose wisely. While you consider whether to go with an SEO, you may want to do some research on the industry. Google is one way to do that, of course. While Google doesn't comment on specific companies, we've encountered firms calling themselves SEOs who follow practices that are clearly beyond the pale of accepted business behavior. Be careful. Be sure to understand where the money goes. While Google never sells better ranking in our search results, several other search engines combine pay-per-click or pay-for-inclusion results with their regular web search results. Some SEOs will promise to rank you highly in search engines, but place you in the advertising section rather than in the search results.
A few SEOs will even change their bid prices in real time to create the illusion that they "control" other search engines and can place themselves in the slot of their choice. This scam doesn't work with Google because our advertising is clearly labeled and separated from our search results, but be sure to ask any SEO you're considering which fees go toward permanent inclusion and which apply toward temporary advertising.
What are the most common abuses a website owner is likely to encounter? One common scam is the creation of "shadow" domains that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects. These shadow domains often will be owned by the SEO who claims to be working on a client's behalf. However, if the relationship sours, the SEO may point the domain to a different site, or even to a competitor's domain. If that happens, the client has paid to develop a competing site owned entirely by the SEO. Another illicit practice is to place "doorway" pages loaded with keywords on the client's site somewhere. The SEO promises this will make the page more relevant for more queries. This is inherently false since individual pages are rarely relevant for a wide range of keywords. More insidious, however, is that these doorway pages often contain hidden links to the SEO's other clients as well. Such doorway pages drain away the link popularity of a site and route it to the SEO and its other clients, which may include sites with unsavory or illegal content. What are some other things to look out for? There are a few warning signs that you may be dealing with a rogue SEO. It's far from a comprehensive list, so if you have any doubts, you should trust your instincts.
By all means, feel free to walk away if the SEO: *owns shadow domains *puts links to their other clients on doorway pages *offers to sell keywords in the address bar *doesn't distinguish between actual search results and ads that appear on search results pages *guarantees ranking, but only on obscure, long keyword phrases you would get anyway *operates with multiple aliases or falsified WHOIS info *gets traffic from "fake" search engines, spyware, or scumware *has had domains removed from Google's index or is not itself listed in Google *requests your FTP account information or root access to your server